Indecision 2012: GNU HOF

The Iowa Caucus may be over, but there is still more voting to be done. Devoted followers of Gnu Glasses remember a while back I redesigned the site. As part of the redesign, there is now a Gnu Hall of Fame where I house my favorite post from a given month. So far I have hand-picked each post, but I need a little help this month. The race is too close to call. December has been the best month yet here at GG.  More people have viewed the site this month than all previous months combined and these posts have helped.  I’ve narrowed it down to the following four posts with a brief explanation as to why it’s nominated. Feel free to vote below. If you haven’t read one the posts nominated…well shame on you. It’s not too late. Click on the title and catch up.

Always strapped: Adventures in Haircutting– One of my favorite posts because it’s 100 percent true and highlights one of the strangest aspects of my life. It poses the age old question: what’s more important…a good haircut or not getting shot?

Forever Lazy vs. Snuggie– Further Proof that the American consumer has lost all sense of self respect. These two items duke it out in the battle to make blankets obsolete.

All I Want for Christmas– One man’s simple holiday wish list. I didn’t receive any of the items listed but I suppose there is always next year….sigh

#6: Beard Time– I created Gnu Glasses for two reasons. First, it gives me the chance to talk to my friends without wearing pants. Second, it gives me a chance to work on a skill call search engine optimization (SEO). In simplest terms, SEO involves creating content that others seek out. Every morning I wake up and check the statistics of the site and investigate which search terms create the most traffic. In the short time since I wrote this post, “Rick Ross Shirtless” has delivered the most traffic to the site. Go figure.

These are your candidates. Voting ends Sunday. Choose wisely